Incentivized Testnet

We are launching an incentivized testnet designed to engage our community, test our system's robustness, and reward participants for their contributions. This is your chance to be a part of the future of decentralized virtual worlds.

What to Expect in the Public Testnet

In our public testnet, users will have the opportunity to deposit ETH or Staked ETH into the Primis Bonds. Upon making a deposit, users will receive a Primis Bond NFT. This NFT is more than just a collectible; it will serve as a gateway to our decentralized game servers and the PRMworld Alpha, our upcoming virtual worlds.

Key Features of the Testnet

  • ETH and Staked ETH Deposits: Users can deposit ETH or stETH into Primis Bonds.

  • Primis Bond NFTs: Upon deposit, users receive a Primis Bond NFT. This NFT is your ticket to the future of decentralized gaming, providing access to game servers and the PRMworld Alpha.

  • Yield Generation: Deposits into Primis Bonds yield returns through our innovative Hyper Liquid Staking mechanism. Users earn fixed-rate bond yield tokens (PRM) and principal tokens (prmETH), maximizing their staking rewards while maintaining liquidity.

Off-Chain and On-Chain Quests:

  • XP and Airdrops: Engage in off-chain and on-chain quests to earn XP. This XP will qualify you for future airdrops, rewarding your participation and engagement in the testnet.

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